Getting Started

TourNarrator is a la mode's custom tailored notes application desgined specifically to help you nail down the most important aspects of each showing you do with a client. With TourNarrator you'll have the instant "wow" factor that today's buyers are looking for in an agent. Armed with your iPhone you'll be able to take photos, record voice notes or type notes documenting notes specific to your client and each home they visit. Whether their looking at three home s or 30 you'll have detailed information for each and all of it is instantly published to a password-protected, beautifully designed, page of your XSite fully showcasing the home and keeping their thoughts organized. TourNarrator eliminates the hassle of clients taking notes and allows them to enjoy the property.

The buyer gets a login e-mail so that they can browse through every property they've seen with their specific notes. It eliminates unneeded second showings and it's a service you can provide above and beyond your competition.