Fee Tables


By setting up custom fee tables for your clients, you can make sure that specific clients who order appraisals on your Appraiser XSite always see the fees that you've set up specifically for them. The correct fee table will appear when your client logs into your Appraiser XSite with their XSite login to order an appraisal.

You can populate the custom fee table with any appraisal product that you currently offer on your Appraiser XSite. Each custom fee table can have its own products, prices, and fee notes.


To create a custom fee table...

  1. Access the Clients view in Mercury Network.
  2. Click Fee Tables, then select Manage Custom Fee Tables...

    Manage Custom Fee Tables

  3. In the window that appears, click New Fee Table.

    New Fee Table

  4. In the Fee Table Description field, type a descriptive word or phrase for the new fee table.

    Fee Table Description

  5. Click Add Product, and click on any product in the drop-down list to add it to the fee table. Repeat this step until all the intended products appear in the fee table. If you need to remove a product that you've added, select the product and click Remove Product.

    Add Product

  6. For each product in the list, you can specify a Client Fee, and Fee Notes.

    Fee Table Details

    • To set a new Client Fee, double-click in the Client Fee column for the product, and a field will appear allowing you to enter the numerical fee. Enter the fee, and press Enter to exit the field.
    • To add a new Fee Note, click Edit in the Fee Notes column for the product, and enter any notes you'd like in the field provided, then click OK.

      Fee Notes

  7. You can add fees for Rush and Complex orders which will automatically be included in the overall fee for orders where those characteristics have been selected. Here's how:
    • Click Add Fees on the toolbar in the Fee Table Details window.
    • Enter a fee in the Amount field for Complex order and/or Rush order.
    • Click OK to return to the Fee Table Details window.
      Fee Notes
  1. When all the products have been added with correct Client Fees and Fee Notes, click Save in the upper-left to commit the changes. This will return you to the list of fee tables.

    Save Custom Fee Table


To edit an existing fee table...

  1. In Clients, click Fee Tables. In the Fee Tables window, double-click the fee table you'd like to edit. Alternately, select the fee table you'd like to edit, then click Edit Fee Table.

    Edit Fee Table

    When the fee table opens, make changes to the settings as needed.

  2. Click Save in the upper-left to commit your changes.


After you've created a custom fee table, you'll need to assign clients to that fee table. To assign a client to any fee table...

  1. In Clients, select any client in the list who already has an XSite login.
  2. Click Fee Tables, then click Assign to Fee Table. A fly-out menu will appear, allowing you to click the custom fee table to which this client will be assigned.

    Assign to Fee Table

  3. After you assign the client, the new assignment will be reflected in the Fee Table column for that client.

    Fee Table Assignment

  4. To remove a client from the fee table, select the client in the list, click Fee Table, choose Assign to Fee Table, the choose Default Fee Table. This simply assigns that client back to the default fee table. This will be effective immediately, with no need to click Save to commit your changes.


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