Appraisal Scope Updates
Week of 11/27/2017

Happy Friday Appraisal Scopers,

We hope your week has been fantastic! We're working hard to finish the year cranking out new features and system enhancements. As you can see below, this week has been action packed.

New Features

  • Ever get weary of appraisers not marking orders as Inspection Complete after the inspection is done? We've now introduced a new pop up that will appear to appraisers when they log in, allowing them to check off the orders for which the inspection is complete but they have not updated the status.
  • When looking at the Pending Appraisers list, you will now see a column labeled "DNU List?" with a Y or N for each appraiser.
  • We also updated the scenarios where we create the "Order Snapshot" that you can pull up from the first entry in the Notification Log when an order is created. These now include AMC to AMC assignments, staff user creation, and lender/broker creation via direct login.
  • We recently added the ability to add a CC email address when sending an Email Office message to Clients. This has been expanded to include Appraiser, Admin, Sales Person, and Reviewer.
  • We added new fields to the reporting engine so you can report on QuickBooks errors and statuses.


  • We fixed an issue that caused hold times to calculate incorrectly in certain scenarios.
  • There was a bug preventing panel appraisers who are assigned review orders from making certain modifications to those orders. Fixed.
  • We also fixed a bug that prevented the File Upload window from opening in the Settings>AMC Licenses tab. E&O and License expiration dates can no longer be set to a date prior to the current date. We fixed an issue that caused some messages and update statuses to get hung in their respective Dashboard queues rather than automatically processing.
  • Corrected an issue where the client fee was not being passed correctly in the AMC to AMC assignment scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where a customer's messages sent to the appraiser were missing from the logs.
  • The Export button on the Dashboard for appraisers was not working in the Accepted tab. Fixed.
  • We had an issue where Staff users were receiving copies of revision request messages sent to the appraiser. Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where clients would log into Appraisal Scope and try to upload an additional document. If the document name had a space in it, the document wouldn't upload.


  • We made an update to our Client API so you can now request the "Last Update Time" on files.


  • The Messages queue will load much faster now, and will be most noticeable to those users with lots of messages in the queue. We made some optimizations to the way messages are fetched from message land, and have seen dramatic improvements in load times. We have been doing and will continue to work on optimizations in many areas of the platform.

Coming VERY Soon

Notification Log row highlighting…you'll be able to define your own "types" with a custom color (eg "Review 1" is yellow, "Review 2" is red, "Fee Change" is orange) , and then change the row color on Notification Log entries with a click.

We have two (possibly three) more releases planned for the year, the absolute latest of which would be on December 12. Year end always gets a bit crazy, and it's a good rule of thumb to lay off the updates as folks work to close out the year.

Thank you as always. Please let us know if you have any questions at all.


The Appraisal Scope Team 

Previous Release Notes