Mercury Network allows a lender using the Mercury EVF platform to request a fee quote for an appraisal from an EVF AMC. When the AMC is assigned the quote request, notification will be provided and the request will appear in a new folder for 'Fee Quotes' in the AMC Business Management interface.
When the 'Fee Quotes' folder is selected, quote requests from the last 90 days will be displayed. Quote requests can be in one of three possible states.
When you select a request in the 'Quote Pending' status, you have the ability to review and submit a quote. If you are integrated with the FeeRocket® service, the request can be fulfilled automatically by FeeRocket®.
To manually submit a quote for the request, select the 'Submit Quote' option and provide your response in the dialog.
During the quoting process, Mercury Network maintains a complete history of the activity.
This document explains how an EVF AMC can review and submit a quote to fulfill a request.
This document outlines how an EVF AMC can review and fulfill a quote request made by an EVF lender.