Release Notes

Mercury Network 3.0 – December 3, 2016 Update

This update contains enhancements throughout Mercury Network.

New Features

  • Invite AMCs to your fee panel
    Now you can add an AMC or appraisal firm to your fee panel with just a few clicks! They'll get an invitation from you, and when they accept, you can start assigning orders to them immediately. Any user with correct permissions can quickly build an entire fee panel of AMCs and appraisal firms based on custom criteria - just click Build fee panel on the toolbar in your fee panel.
  • Assign to an Appraiser or AMC
    We're excited to announce that you can now assign orders to AMCs, appraisal firms and appraisers side by side. When assigning to an AMC/Firm, you'll be able to use the full power of your Vendor Selection Settings and all of Mercury's automation just like you do with other vendors. You can decide which users have permission to use AMC/Firms, so even with the new options, you're in complete control.
  • Send a client group's orders to AMC/Firms
    Any client group can now be configured to assign orders exclusively to AMC/Firms, so your clients' orders will automatically flow to the right type of vendor, and the setup is quick and easy. And if you're using order groups, you just need to make sure there's an AMC in it.
  • Reassignment Limits
    Now you can set a limit to the number of times an attempt should be made to reassign an order before notifying you. You may then select a specific appraiser, or assign to an AMC/Firm on your fee panel. This limit can be set globally in Vendor Selection Settings, by product in Product Requirements, or by client group if you have a VMP XSite.
  • Revision Turn Time weighting factor
    We added Revision turn time as a handy new weighting factor in your Vendor Selection Settings. This means that you can set an ideal time in which you'd like a vendor to return a revised order, then use that as a selection factor as well as check the vendor's star rating for Revision turn time in their profile. Of course, this applies to your AMC/Firm vendors too, so you can easily track and compare their performance.
  • Switch Vendor type prior to and during assignment
    Now that you can add AMCs to your fee panel, we thought it would be helpful to be able to switch from an appraiser to an AMC if no one on your appraiser fee panel can fulfill the order. Users must have the correct permissions in order to switch vendor types, so you stay in control.

Mercury Network - Order Management

  • When you duplicate an order which was assigned to an AMC’s sub-user, the new order will be correctly assigned to the same AMC so you don't have to worry about manually reassigning the order to the correct user.
  • You'll now see a specific vendor type listed in the audit trail event instead of using the generic term ‘vendor’. That way, you know up front what kind of vendor is involved.

Mercury Network - Vendor Selection Settings

  • There's a new AMC/Firm tab where you can set your specific preferences when assigning orders to an AMC/Firm.
  • We updated the "look and feel" to make the interface easier to see and use. We re-designed buttons, reduced blank spaces, and resized elements so the entire page is easier on the eyes.
  • There's a Default vendor option to assign specific order types to a particular vendor type, e.g. you can assign commercial orders to an AMC. This option was previously available in product settings.

Mercury Network - Fee Panel

  • We added a new AMC/Firm tab so you can easily differentiate AMC/Firms from individual appraisers.
  • Similar to the changes we made in Vendor Selection Settings, we visually updated the interface to make options easier to see and use. Even pop-up messages have been given a face-lift.
  • You may now search by company name when adding a vendor to your fee panel.
  • When viewing your order groups, you may now see the list of vendors on your fee panel who are both included and excluded, and easily switch their order group status.
  • You can easily build an entire fee panel of AMC/Firms using your own custom criteria.
  • Now you can see a complete list of your fee panel members inclusive of all states, in addition to the state-by-state view.

Mercury Network - Product Requirements

  • We moved the Available vendors section to Vendor Selection Settings, and it's now called Default vendors. This is more consistent because selecting a default vendor for a product type directly relates to vendor selection.
  • The layout was improved so all your options are visible at a glance.


  • You can assign all client group orders to an AMC.
  • You can set different assignment preferences for assigning to an appraiser vs. an AMC.
  • There are separate status mapping options for an appraiser vs. an AMC.

Mercury Network - Vendors

  • When creating a new vendor account, users will now see a prompt which helps them choose between an AMC or appraisal firm account and an appraiser account. This should help reduce confusion and make sure new users create the type of Mercury account that will suit them best.
  • Integrated AMCs no longer need an XSite in order to charge credit cards. Credit card options are now available directly within their Vendors account.
  • AMC/Firms may offer products without specifying a fee.

Mercury Network - Client Portal

  • The Order Management column headers now correctly identify the vendor name or account executive name so there's no confusion about who is associated with the order.

Doc Details

December 3, 2016 Update

  • Document 7568
  • Created: 12/3/2016

The Big Picture

This document details the changes for the Mercury Network update, released 12/3/2016.

Click here to view info on all Mercury Network updates.