Account > Payment History

Payment History


The Payment History section of the Account view allows you to review any transactions that are currently pending, view a list of any unpaid invoices, view a list of your paid invoices, and review your yearly invoice totals.


Pending Transactions

The Pending Transactions tab shows a list of the invoices where an order has been accepted and an attempt to process the transaction fee has not been made.  Each transaction displays the order type, tracking number, order date, address/city/state/zip, and the amount of the transaction fee amount.  Click Show Legend on the upper right of the list to view descriptions of the possible order types that are displayed.



Unpaid Invoices

The Unpaid Invoices tab shows a list of the invoices where an order has been accepted and an attempt was made to process the transaction fee, but it failed, or the charge could not be processed.  Each unpaid invoice displays the invoice number, the invoice date, the status, credits applied, the Client Connect transaction fee total, the Mercury Network transaction fee total, and the total amount of all transaction fees.  Click View/Print Invoice to open the a specific invoice in a separate window to view the invoice details and/or print the unpaid invoice.


The Paid Invoices tab shows a list of the invoices where an order has been accepted and the transaction fee was processed successfully.  To begin, simply select a month from the drop-down menu and click Search to view a complete list of your paid invoices for that month.  Each paid invoice displays the invoice number, the invoice date, the status, credits applied, the Client Connect transaction fee total, the Mercury Network transaction fee total, and the total amount of all transaction fees that were processed.  Click View/Print Invoice to open the a specific invoice in a separate window to view the invoice details and/or print the paid invoice.


Yearly Invoice Totals

The Yearly Invoice Totals tab shows a summary of the invoices for a selected year.  To begin, simply select a year from the drop-down menu and click Search to view the total number of invoices, Client Connect transactions, Mercury Network transactions, and the total number of all transactions for that year.  Each yearly total also displays the total number of credits applied, the total amount of Client Connect transaction fees, Mercury Network transaction fees, and the total amount of all transaction fees for that year.

Hint: The Total Amount for the Yearly Invoice Total can be considered a business expense for tax purposes.

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