Specific Selection Options


Each vendor type has specific applicable selection options. For example, residential appraisers can be selected for assignment automatically and commercial appraisers may be selected to bid on a commercial opportunity. Mercury Network allows for specific operation based on vendor and product type.


Residential Appraiser, Agent/Brokers, Inspectors

  • Allow order bidding — This enables the bidding options for residential orders, so any user with appropriate permissions can issue an order as a bid.
    Enabling this option will disable Double-blind communication and Unattended order assignment.
    • Fee — Click the lock icon to toggle the fee lock. When locked, the order fee is determined when the order is placed, so the appraiser can't change it. When unlocked, the appraisers will include their requested fee on their bid.
    • Date — Click the lock icon to toggle the due date lock. When locked, the due date for the order is determined when the order is placed, so the appraiser can't change it.
      When unlocked, the appraisers will enter their turn time on their bid.
      The moment the bid is awarded, the due date will be calculated using business days based on the appraiser's turn time. For example, if the appraiser submitted a turn time of 5 days and is awarded the bid on Thursday, the order will be due the following Wednesday.
    • Check Hide lender details from the vendor until a bid is awarded so the lender's information will not be shown on the vendor's notifications or order before the bid is awarded.
  • Automatic Vendor Selection — When enabled, during order assignment, your configured Intelligent Selection Settings (ISS) automatically select the most qualified vendor for each assignment.
    • If the order is not issued as a bid, a single vendor will be selected and assigned to the order.
    • If the order is issued as a bid, your ISS criteria will be used to select multiple appraisers who will receive bid requests.
      • Use the Select at least field to specify the minimum number of appraisers, and use the and at most field to specify the maximum number of appraisers to be selected for bidding.
  • Unattended Order Assignment — When enabled, orders placed through the VMP Client Portal are automatically assigned to a vendor, eliminating all manual involvement from the assignment process.
    This cannot be enabled (and will be grayed out) when Allow order bidding is enabled because the bidding process cannot be used unattended.
  • Unattended order Reassignment — Automatically reassigns expired and declined orders using ISS rules.
    • Stop and notify me after _ attempts: This limits the number of attempts to reassign the order before stopping to notify you.
  • Click here for more information about configuring automatic assignment settings.
  • Specify the pool from which you want Mercury to recommend or select vendors.  Mark Mercury Network Directory to use Mercury's entire nationwide vendor directory.  To use your own custom directory of vendors, mark Custom Fee Panel and then indicate whether you want to use the full nationwide Mercury directory as a backup.


  • Automatic Vendor Selection — During order assignment, your configured Intelligent Selection Settings (ISS) automatically select the most qualified vendor for each assignment.
  • Unattended order assignment — When enabled, orders placed through the VMP Client Portal are automatically assigned to a vendor, eliminating all manual involvement from the assignment process.
  • Click here for more information about configuring automatic assignment settings.

Commercial Appraisers

  • Allow Order Bidding — When enabled, this option will allow orders for commercial products to be issued as bid opportunities. During vendor selection, a set of vendors can be manually selected or automatically selected for you based on additioanl settings.
    • Check Hide lender details from the vendor until a bid is awarded so the lender's information will not be shown on the vendor's notifications or order before the bid is awarded.
  • Automatic Vendor Selection — Enabling this option allows your configured Intelligent Selection Settings (ISS) to automatically select the most qualified appraisers for a commercial order. When bidding is used, the ISS will select a set of appraisers between the 'at least' and 'at most' values entered.
  • Click here for more information about configuring automatic assignment settings.
  • Specify the pool from which you want Mercury to recommend or select vendors.  Mark Mercury Network Panel to use Mercury's entire nationwide vendor directory.  To use your own custom directory of vendors, mark Custom Fee Directory and then indicate whether you want to use the full nationwide Mercury directory as a backup.


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Copyright © 2021 Mercury Network, LLC 1-888-794-0455