Order Group Settings


The Order Groups feature within Client Groups allows specific Order Groups that have been configured for your fee panel to be identified as groups of eligible or ineligible vendors. If no groups are identified as either eligible or ineligible, all vendors on your fee panel will be considered for orders originated from the client.

Here's how to set an Order Group as eligible or ineligible for a Client Group:

  1. First, you'll need to create one or more groups of vendors using the Order Groups feature in your Fee Panel. Click here to learn how to create Order Groups.
  2. Edit a Client Group and select the Order Groups tab. In the Available groups section on the left, you'll see the list of Order Groups in your fee panel.
  3. To include an Order Group for this Client Group: Select any Order Group in the Available groups section on the left which should be included when assigning orders for this Client Group. Then, click the right arrow (between Available groups and Eligible vendors) to move that Order Group to the Eligible vendors section on the top-right. To remove an Order Group from the Eligible vendors section, select the group, then click the left arrow to move it back to the Available groups.
  4. To exclude an Order Group for this Client Group: Select any Order Group in the Available groups section on the left which should be excluded when assigning orders for this Client Group. Then, click the right arrow (between Available groups and Ineligible vendors) to move that Order Group to the Ineligible vendors section on the bottom-right. To remove an Order Group from the Ineligible vendors section, select the group, then click the left arrow to move it back to the Available groups.
      Note: Vendors can be in more than one Order Group. If a vendor appears in a group marked as 'eligible' as well as a group marked 'ineligible', the vendor will be ineligible to receive orders for that particular client. In other words, a vendor's ineligibility always takes precedence.


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