Fee Panel


Fee Panel

Your Mercury Network "fee panel" is your organization's favorite appraisers list. There are several ways you can create your fee panel:

  1. Hand pick AMCs, appraisal firms, appraisers, agents, and inspectors that you would like to add to your fee panel.
  2. Select from a list of qualified Mercury Network appraisers based on criteria you provide.
  3. Import a list of preferred appraisers from a CSV file (comma-separated values) you create in Excel or a similar program. Vendors on a fee panel have the option to auto-accept all orders from that fee panel.

In the fee panel, you'll find a tab for your appraiser and agent vendors, as well as one for AMCs and appraisal firms. They are both very similar, with a couple of notable differences:

There are a couple of settings you can control here without even opening a vendor's profile:

If you want to see a vendor's profile, click the profile icon or the staff vendor profile icon . Supervisor appraisers are indicated with a blue icon and supervising staff appraisers with a blue outline



Hand Picking Vendors

Select Qualified Vendors

Import Vendors

Find in Fee Panel

Ineligible Vendors

Order Groups

Fee Panel Options

Select Vendors for Coverage Areas

Select Vendors for Products

Review Vendor Documents

Request Credentials and Sample Work

Contact Fee Panel Vendors

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