To filter your orders based on their current status, just tap a status folder
on the left.
- When searching for a particular order, you can filter your orders by
status using the folders on the left — just tap the folder that corresponds to
the status of the orders you'd like to see.
- The same list of status folders that are available when you're logged into
the website are all available in Mercury
- The number of orders in each status folder is displayed in parenthesis
next to each status.
- When an order is selected from the list, its details are displayed in the
main window within Mercury Mobile. The selected order is highlighted in
dark blue.
- Some of the basic order information is displayed in each order's "cell" in
the left panel, but is also available inside Order
Details. At a glance, you're able to see the subject property
address, the order's due date, and the fee.
- Refresh the list of orders, as well as each order's specific details, by
pulling down and releasing the list of orders or folders, or by tapping
Refresh in the bottom-left corner.
- When viewing your list of orders, tap the folder icon on the upper left to
return to the list of status folders.
- To search for an order in Mercury Mobile using a keyword or piece of order
information, tap the search field at the top of the list of orders and enter
your search criteria. As you type, orders are filtered out dynamically,
so there is no need to press Enter. Any orders that
don't match your search terms are immediately removed from the list.
- After searching for an order, tap the cancel icon (
), or clear any data from the field to
view all orders again.