In order to submit to UCDP from Mercury Network, you'll need supply some
information about your UCDP registration. Here's what you'll need to
- Log into Mercury Network.
- At the top, click Preferences, and choose
Connection Settings.

- In the Direct Integration User ID field, enter your DI
User ID. If you don't have a DI User ID, click here for
help getting one or locating yours.

Note: |
It's important to note that there's a difference between your
UCDP User ID and your DI User ID, and there's an easy way to tell:
Your DI User ID will have "_di" at the end.
For example:
If you attempt to complete these steps with anything but your
UCDP DI User ID, it won't work. | |
- Enter the Direct Integration User's password in the
Password field. This is a password you created when you
set up the DI User in the UCDP. It's not necessarily the same as your
UCDP User password.
- Now, click Save in the upper-left.
Related Topics:
Add UCDP Business Units
UCDP Automatic