Edit QuickList entries



You can make changes to existing QuickList entries whenever you need — including the description and the text for the entry.

To edit a QuickList item:

  1. Move your cursor over the field where you want to edit the QuickList item.  When you do, you'll see the QuickList icon ( QuickList icon ) appear in the upper right corner of the field.  When you see the icon, click it.

    QuickList Button

  2. Now, in the QuickList window, click the edit link next to the QuickList item you want to edit.

    Edit QuickList

  3. Now, in the QuickList editor, make the necessary changes, and when you're done, click Save.

    QuickList editor

Now you're returned to the QuickList window where you can use the entry, add a new one, or make further edits.  If you're finished with QuickLists, click the Close button of the QuickList window.

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