Users > Details > Out of office settings

Out of Office Settings


The Out of Office settings in your user profile allow you to configure a date range any time you plan to be out of the office and help you to avoid receiving correspondence you would not be able to reply to or work that you would not be able to complete, or even penalized if the order was missed and allowed to expire in certain cases. It also alerts anyone trying to place an order or anyone trying to contact you during that time period, letting them know that you are currently unavailable.

To configure your out of office settings:

  1. Access the details section of your user profile by clicking Users in the toolbar at the top.

  2. Locate the Out of Office settings at the bottom of your profile. Your current status is displayed along with any dates scheduled.

  3. Click Edit to enter the Out of Office configuration screen.

  4. Enter the date range for when you are leaving and when you are returning using the MM/DD/YYYY format, or click the calendar icon to select your dates from a calendar.

  5. Once you have entered the Date Leaving and Date Returning, click OK.

  6. Click OK on the confirmation screen.


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