Residential bid orders

When you receive a new residential bid request, you'll find the order in the Bidding Orders folder with a status of Bid Pending. Tap the order to view the Order Details.

On the toolbar, tap Submit Bid to open the dialog where you'll enter your response to the bid request.

Depending on the information the client entered on the bid request, you'll have a few different options when entering your responses.

When your client awards the bid, you'll be notified whether or not you were awarded the order according to your notification preferences. If the order was awarded to you, it will automatically be accepted, so you'll find it in your Accepted folder with a status of In Progress. Going foward, this order will behave just like any other order.

If you're an admin for your Mercury Network account, you might see multiple instances of the same bid request - each for a different appraiser. This simply reflects the fact that multiple appraisers on your account have received the same bid request.

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