Payment Summary


Mercury Network provides the ability to mark an order as paid and, optionally, share the payment information with the appraiser. Search for orders to mark using the Find Orders tool or selecting a folder from the folders list. With the desired orders in view, select the 'Payments' toolbar item.

The ability to mark orders as paid can be enabled on a user basis by turning on the 'Mark as Paid' order management permission.

Payments toolbar item

The 'Payment summary' dialog will appear when the 'Payments' toolbar item is selected. The orders currently in the display window of the orders grid will appear in the payment summary. Unpaid orders will be selectable and paid orders will appear in a disabled state.

Payment summary dialog

Select one or more orders you wish to mark as paid and enter the appropriate payment information. The entered payment information will be applied to each selected order when you select 'Save'. Marked items will be 'grayed out' and you will be able to continue selecting additional orders and update the payment information. Select 'Close' when finished.

Optionally, you may choose to share the payment information with the vendor by checking or un-checking the 'Notify vendor of payment' check box. The vendor will be able to view but not edit any payment information.

To apply a payment or update payment information for a single order, open the order and use the 'Mark as Paid' option for the order.

Additional Features

You may also output any orders marked as paid (grayed out) to a CSV file by selecting the 'Export' feature.

Orders that have been paid can also be uploaded into the payment summary dialog. The CSV file must contain 9 columns including Loan #, Tracking #, Internal Order # and Amount Due. Loan number, Amount due, Issued date and Payment method are required. Other fields may be left as an empty column.

Upload paid orders

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