Attach Documents to Orders


To attach documents to a Mercury Network order:

  1. In Mercury Network, click the status of the order to which you wish to attach documents in the folder list on the left.
  2. Find the order in the list of open orders and double-click it.
  3. Click Attach in the top toolbar.

    Attach Document

  4. In the screen that appears, you can attach documents to the appraisal order either by fax or by directly uploading the files.  Choose the type of document you're uploading using the drop-down menu at the top, then choose your upload method below:

    • Attach paper documents using DirectFax - Click Print DirectFax cover sheet, print the fax cover page that appears, and fax your document to the number listed in the cover sheet with the cover sheet on top.  After a few moments, our DirectFax servers will convert your fax to a PDF and attach it to your order.
    • Attach existing electronic documents - Click Upload documents, Browse to the file you wish to attach to your order and click Open to attach it.  If this document should only be available internally to staff members with rights to the order, check the box to mark the attachment as private before clicking Upload document.
  5. Once your document is attached to the order, it appears in the Order Documents section of the Documents, Maps, & Stats panel of order details.  There are a few things you can do here.

    View Attached Documents

    • Click any document in the list, to view information about the document in the Details and Tools section below.
    • To open a document, select it from the list and click the open icon (  ) in the Details and Tools section below.  It will open using your PC's default application.  So, for instance, if you select a MISMO XML file and click Open, the file might open in Internet Explorer, and a PDF might open with Adobe Reader.
    • To send a document via SureReceipts, select it from the list and click the SureReceipts icon  (  ) in the Details and Tools section below. It will open the Send via SureReceipts dialog. There you'll be able to select your contact recipients, select additional documents, and add a message that will display in the body of the e-mail.
    • To remove the document, select it from the list and click the delete icon (  ) in the Details and Tools section.
    • To mark a document as private so that it is only available internally to staff members with rights to the order, select it from the list and click the mark private icon (  ) in the Details and Tools section.  If the document was available to others previously, it is removed from any corresponding orders and a document deleted status is added to the order's audit trail.
Note: When MISMO XML files open in Internet Explorer, they're virtually unreadable by most people.  If you need a way to view MISMO XML appraisals, contact Client Relations at 1-888-794-0455.


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