Send via SureReceipts |
You can easily send documents to any contacts on the order using Send via SureReceipts. When you do, you'll have an audit trail of when the documents were viewed and by whom in the history of the order. Best of all, when an appraisal has been completed, you can deliver the report securely to your borrower and other recipients, since the appraisal itself is not in the e-mail they receive.
To send documents to recipients:
Mercury Network covers your bases regarding the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) rules. The steps below outline the general workflow of what the borrower or co-borrower sees when a report is delivered using the SureReceipts feature.
The consent requirement applies to appraisal documents delivered to the borrower or co-borrower contact titles only, and not to other recipients such as the broker or agent.
Click here for the full text shown to the borrower.
In a few moments you’ll be able to download an electronic (Adobe Portable Document Format, or PDF) copy of the appraisal report associated with your loan. First, you’ll need an authorization code. But even before that, we’re required by law to make sure that you understand the following.
By completing the steps below, you’re consenting to receive the appraisal report in electronic (PDF) format, instead of a paper copy. And, you’re acknowledging the following:
- You can still also receive a paper copy of the report by contacting your loan officer. Note that in some cases, there may be a fee involved in sending a paper copy of the appraisal report after you’ve already received an electronic (PDF) copy.
- You can withdraw this consent at any time. Contact your loan officer to do so.
- Your consent applies only to this appraisal report, and doesn’t apply to other files related to your loan in the future.
Now, we need to make sure your computer or device is able to open the electronic (PDF) copy of the appraisal report. To do this, we’re going to give you an authorization code to enter before you can access the appraisal report.
To get your authorization code, here’s what you do.
- Click the button ‘Download Auth Code’. When you do, an electronic file in PDF format with your authorization code on it should open, or be saved to your computer or device. (You may be given a choice to either ‘Open’ or ‘Save’ the file. If you are given a choice, choose ‘Open’.) If it downloads without opening, go to the folder on your computer or device where the file is saved, and open the file from there.
- If the file opens and you can see your authorization code — great! That means your computer or device is able to open the electronic (PDF) copy of the appraisal report, too.
Enter the authorization code in the box below, and click ‘Continue’.
You’ll need an Internet connection, a compatible web browser, and a PDF Viewer (like Adobe Reader©) that can open and read PDF files. If you’re able to open and read your authorization code, that means you probably have everything you need.
If you have any trouble getting the authorization code or accessing or opening the appraisal report, please contact your loan officer.
The borrower then copies and pastes or manually enters the auth code from the PDF file into the Auth Code field. When the borrower has entered the auth code, they simply click Download Appraisal to download the completed report.
The recipient receives an e-mail notification that includes a button to download the documents.
Once they click the button, they are directed to the SureReceipts delivery web page.
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