Monitor Submission Status


When submitting appraisals to UCDP in Mercury Network, it's important to know what needs to be done before the appraisal has been completely accepted by the GSE(s). Mercury Network gives you real time feedback about the submission status, so you just need to know what to look for.

Here are the steps that must be completed before your appraisal has been completely submitted to UCDP:

  1. Successfully submit the report to UCDP

    After you submit the appraisal, you'll see a new Appraisal Submitted event in the order's audit trail. This tells you that the UCDP received your submission without a problem.


    For detailed instructions on submitting appraisals to UCDP in Mercury Network, click here.

  2. Receive your Document File ID (Doc File ID) from UCDP.

    Doc File ID

    You'll see the Doc File ID in your audit trail immediately upon submitting your appraisal to UCDP for the first time. It does not indicate that your submission is successful, only that the appraisal has been submitted. You'll only have one Doc File ID per appraisal, regardless of how many times you resubmit to UCDP. So, it only appears once in the audit trail.

  3. Receive a Submission Summary Report.
    • For a successful submission:


      The Appraisal Submission Accepted event will appear in the audit trail just a few minutes after you submit the appraisal.

      Along with the event in the audit trail, you'll see links to the Submission Summary Report(s) from the GSE(s) to which the appraisal was submitted.


      Although you aren't required to make changes to the appraisal, you can click View Results to see what (if any) errors occurred during submission.

    • If you chose to share your submission results with an Aggregator, you'll see that listed in the audit trail, along with the Doc File ID and the Aggregator ID.
      Not Accepted
      If the results could not be shared, you'll see that in the audit trail:
      Not Accepted
      If the submission is not successful, the results may still be shared, so you'll see that in the audit trail:
      Not Accepted

    • For an unsuccessful submission:

      Not Accepted

      The Appraisal Submission Not Successful message will appear in the audit trail a few minutes after you submit the appraisal.

      As with any submission to UCDP, you'll see links to the Submission Summary Report(s) from the GSE(s) to which the appraisal was submitted.


      Since your submission was not accepted, you'll want to click View Results to find out what errors caused the problem. From there, you'll be able to request revisions from the appraiser or overrides from the UCDP.

      If the submission fails with a Duplicate submission in the notes, this means the report was submitted with a loan number which was already submitted to the portal. In this case, you'll need to edit the order to enter the correct Doc File ID. Then, you can resubmit the report to the portal as an additional appraisal, thereby avoiding the error.

Click here for the UCDP FAQ.


Reading Submission Summary Reports and Viewing Results

There are a few different links you may see on the submission event in the audit trail. Here's what they mean:


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