View Eligible Vendors


If your orders are being automatically assigned, there are cases where you need to see which vendors were considered eligible for assignment. This feature lets you do that.

Only users with specific permissions will be able to use this feature:

With these permissions enabled in your profile, you can view a list of vendors who were considered eligible after an order has been automatically assigned. Here's how:

  1. Open an order which was automatically assigned.
  2. In the audit trail, click the View eligible vendors link.
  3. In the window that appears, you'll see a list of the vendors who were considered for assignment. There are a couple of things to know:
    • You can view selection critera such as priority rank, capacity, distance from the subject, years of experience, product fee, and license status.
    • You can click the profile icon to view any vendor's profile.
    • If there's a mix of vendors who are/are not on your fee panel, an additional column will appear to indicate fee panel vendors.
  4. Click Close to return to Order details.

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