Order Management > Order Details > Acknowledge awarded bid

Acknowledge awarded bid


When a client awards you an order from a bid, you will receive an e-mail notification and will need to accept or decline the awarded order. When you open the order, you will be presented with the Accept/Decline Assignment menu option.

When you select this option, you are presented with the Order acknowledgement dialog.

To acknowledge the order, follow these steps.

  1. Select either 'Yes, I accept this order' or 'No, I must decline this order'
  2. You may provide an optional message to the client
  3. Upload any desired or requested documents to accompany your acceptance
  4. If the client has a vendor agreement, click the vendor agreement link in the bottom-left to view it. Then check the box to accept the agreement before you proceed.
  5. When you are comfortable with your response, select OK to continue
  6. You will be presented with a Fee acknowledgement screen. Select OK to finalize and send your acknowledgement

Click here to see how to submit a bid.


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