Intelligent Selection System |
The Intelligent Selection System (ISS) criteria allow Mercury Nework to
assist you in selecting qualified vendor for your orders. You have the ability
to require specific criteria such as distance from the subject property and
years of experience of the vendor. Additionally, you place a stronger emphasis
on certain criteria by moving them higher in the ISS weighting scale.
Residential and Commercial Appraiser

- Require Valid License - Mark this option to limit the
list of suggested vendors to those with an up-to-date license on file in their
- Require Errors and Omissions - Mark this option to limit
the list of suggested vendors to those with an E&O policy listed in their
profiles and enter the minimum amount of E&O insurance you require in the
provided box.
- Require Local Appraiser - Mark this option to determine
the maximum acceptable distance from the subject which the appraiser may be
located. Enter the distance in miles in the Appraiser located
within __ miles field.
- Require Vendor Rating - Mark this option to define a
minimum acceptable star rating for a vendor to be eligible for orders when new
orders are placed. Check the Consider new vendors box
to allow vendors new to the system to receive orders from you.
- Require Years of Experience - Mark this option if you
want to define the minimum years of experience a vendor must have to be
considered for an order.
- Require staff vendor - Mark this to require a vendor
whose profile has been marked as
Staff/salaried. Select Require to only consider
staff/salaried vendors, or select Prefer to consider other
vendors when a staff vendor is unavailable.
- Limit vendor capacity - Mark this option to limit the
number of orders which can be assigned to a vendor concurrently.
- Exclude past due vendors - Mark this option to avoid
assigning orders to vendors who have a past due order with you.
- Enforce vendor priority - Mark this option to restrict
order assignment to vendors who have a priority rank. Mark Consider
unranked vendors to open up assignment to unranked vendors if a
ranked vendor isn't available.
- Use supervisor - Mark this option to prefer or require
appraisers who have added trainees to their profile. When an order is assigned
to a supervisor, a Trainee field will appear in Order
Details if the appraiser adds a trainee to an order.
- Reviewed Documents - When enabled, you can prefer or
require approved documents from your vendors when assigning orders. New
documents are given a 30-day grace period for you and your vendor to correct
any issues before the vendor is removed from consideration during assignments;
this 30-day period includes documents which were marked for review and updated
by the vendor.
This item will only appear if you've enabled document review
in your Fee Panel Options.

- Require years in business - Check this option to require
a minimum number of years in business for considered AMC/Firms, and be sure to
enter your preferred minimum.
- Require Vendor Rating - Mark this option to define a
minimum acceptable star rating for a AMC/Firm to be eligible for orders when
new orders are placed. Check the Consider new vendors
box to allow vendors new to the system to receive orders from you.
- Require Errors and Omissions - Mark this option to limit
the list of suggested AMC/Firms to those with an E&O policy listed in
their profiles and enter the minimum amount of E&O insurance you require
in the provided box.
- Limit vendor capacity - Mark this option to limit the
number of orders which can be assigned to a vendor concurrently.
- Enforce vendor priority - Mark this option to restrict
order assignment to vendors who have a priority rank. Mark Consider
unranked vendors to open up assignment to unranked vendors if a
ranked vendor isn't available.
- Exclude past due vendors - Mark this option to avoid
assigning orders to vendors who have a past due order with you.
- Reviewed Documents - When enabled, you can prefer or
require approved documents from your vendors when assigning orders. New
documents are given a 30-day grace period for you and your vendor to correct
any issues before the vendor is removed from consideration during assignments;
this 30-day period includes documents which were marked for review and updated
by the vendor.
This option will only appear if you've enabled document
review in your Fee Panel Options.

- Require Errors and Omissions - Mark this option to limit
the list of suggested vendors to those with an E&O policy listed in their
profiles and enter the minimum amount of E&O insurance you require in the
provided box.
- Require Local Vendor - Mark this option to determine the
maximum acceptable distance from the subject which the appraiser may be
located. Enter the distance in miles in the Appraiser located
within __ miles field.
- Require Vendor Rating - Mark this option to define a
minimum acceptable star rating for a vendor to be eligible for orders when new
orders are placed. Check the Consider new vendors box
to allow vendors new to the system to receive orders from you.
- Require Years of Experience - Mark this option if you
want to define the minimum years of experience a vendor must have to be
considered for an order.
- Require staff vendor - Mark this to require a vendor
whose profile has been marked as
Staff/salaried. Select Require to only consider
staff/salaried vendors, or select Prefer to consider other
vendors when a staff vendor is unavailable.
- Limit vendor capacity - Mark this option to limit the
number of orders which can be assigned to a vendor concurrently.
- Enforce vendor priority - Mark this option to restrict
order assignment to vendors who have a priority rank. Mark Consider
unranked vendors to open up assignment to unranked vendors if a
ranked vendor isn't available.
- Exclude past due vendors - Mark this option to avoid
assigning orders to vendors who have a past due order with you.
- Reviewed Documents - When enabled, you can prefer or
require approved documents from your vendors when assigning orders. New
documents are given a 30-day grace period for you and your vendor to correct
any issues before the vendor is removed from consideration during assignments;
this 30-day period includes documents which were marked for review and updated
by the vendor.
This option will only appear if you've enabled document
review in your Fee Panel Options.
Weighting Factors

To prioritize Mercury's vendor suggestions by other factors, check the box
beside any of the Selection Weighting factors you want Mercury to consider when
suggesting vendors.
Then, click and drag the row for that item up or down the list to prioritize
it. Dragging it up the list increases its priority in Mercury's
suggestions. Dragging it down the list decreases its priority.
Weighting factors include:
- Acceptance percentage
- Expiration percentage
- On Time percentage
- Professionalism rating
- Proximity to subject
- Quality rating
- Rework percentage
- Turn time
- Revision turn time